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Fundraising Tips

1. Make your Hero Page your own

To make your Hero Page as effective as possible, upload your own photograph. Tell donors your story and explain why you are trying to raise money and why you are personally moved to support Life's Little Treasures Foundation.

2. Donate to yourself!

You will be amazed how this works. When friends and family see you have donated to LLTF they will be motivated to do the same by following you.

3. Don’t set your target too low!

You may be surprised by how deep your supporters will dig to help you get across the line to reach your goal. Raise as much as you possibly can for LLTF by trying to set an ambitious but achievable target.

4. Email your close friends and family first

Send an email to close friends and family and those you think are likely to be your most generous supporters first, before asking others to donate. People tend to match the amounts already donated so target your most generous supporters first!

5. Change your email signature

Consider changing your email signature to add a line at the bottom which includes the web address of your Hero Page. We’ve created one for you to use – all you have to do is click on the image below to download it.

6. Make sure you contact all your potential supporters

In addition to close friends and family, don’t forget to contact any other groups you may have connections with: former colleagues, old school and college friends, friends who have moved out of the area or overseas, members of sporting clubs you belong to, or committees you are part of. If you are involved in business, don’t forget to ask your suppliers, as they often like to show support.

7. Update your Hero Page and email your supporters again

People mean to donate but sometimes it gets pushed to the bottom of the inbox and they forget. It usually takes more than one round of emails to nudge everyone into action so don’t feel embarrassed about asking people again.

8. Ask to be included in your company website or newsletter

Lots of companies encourage staff to participate in charitable events and fundraising so ask to be included on your company website or the intranet or other communications. Some companies offer a donation-matching scheme where they will match the amount of money an employee raises.

9. Put up a poster

Download the Walk for Prems poster and put it up in the office kitchen, local supermarket, gym, post office, school or anywhere else you can get permission.

 Download poster  

10. Don’t stop fundraising when the event finishes

A surprising number of donations are received after the event has finished so don’t stop fundraising when your event is over. Once you’ve recovered, update your Hero Page again and email it to your contacts. It’s a great way to let those who have supported you know you have achieved your goal and prompt anyone who still hasn’t donated.

Register now to fundraise

Every dollar raised goes towards providing vital products and services to families with a premature or sick baby.

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