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Melinda Burns

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As most of you are aware, my pregnancy didn’t go as we’d ever imagined it would and we landed ourselves in the NICU when Tex was born on 31/12/23 at 26 weeks and 5 days gestation.
Tex has come leaps and bounds, but that’s not without many terrifying challenges along the way. He spent 218 days between the NICU and the paediatric ward. We couldn’t be more thankful for all of the support from everyone who loves Tex.

Outside of family and friends and away from home, spending time in the NICU is very challenging. Without getting too emotional and descriptive (I’ll save that for when he eventually comes home and I can unclench my jaw haha) it is not something you can completely comprehend unless you’ve experienced it.
In saying that, Chris and I are going to participate in the Walk for Prems on Sunday October 27th of course to celebrate Tex and how far he has come, but also to create awareness for premature babies in our little circle of the world.

The charity that organises this event is called ‘life’s little treasures foundation’ and it is run by a group of parents that have had babies in the NICU themselves. This charity makes the NICU stay a little easier by donating things like toiletries, Christmas, New Years, Easter, Mother’s Day gifts, as well as organising morning teas and opportunities to have conversations with other parents going through similar experiences. They are very helpful for families spending time in the NICU and even gifted us things like milestone cards made specifically for premature and sick babies because their journies aren’t the same as other babies.

We are more than happy to have people register and join us for the walk ($45 for an adult and $24 for kids under 16) or to donate. Even if you aren’t in a position to donate (which is absolutely fine) I hope our story brings some awareness.
