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Meg Quinn


raised so far


of $600 goal

Donations to Life’s Little Treasures Foundation provides much needed programs and services to vulnerable families with premature and/or sick babies. This organisation has provided a huge amount of support to our family since Alexander was first readmitted to hospital following his initial discharge from NICU and SCN. When weeks have been hard to get through our amazing support worker Maggie along with the rest of the team has been there to ensure we don’t feel alone and to give much needed support and encouragement. For families who are in worse financial positions than our they do even more by assisting with things like petrol to ensure families can travel to see their sick infants in NICU, SCN and children’s hospital. Please sponsor me to help give back to this amazing organisation so they can help other families like ours. To find out more about Life’s Little Treasures Foundation and the work they do www.lifeslittletreasures.org.au

My Updates

24 Oct 2021

So what is it I love about LLTF, everything!
They understand the journey of a prem family
They value their members feedback
They don’t forget our treasures in heaven who didn’t make it
They feed families stuck at the NICU and SCN
Their support groups keep us connected when we feel alone
They help cover some bills for families who can’t manage things like petrol for hospital trips
They gift the little treasures and families things to help them through their journey
And so much more!

24 Oct 2021

Walked 7.71km this morning. Got up early because it is ridiculously humid here. I will do another short walk wearing Alexander later so he can get a walk done to. Catherine Quinn will be walking 2km in Sydney, which is not bad for a woman in her late 80s who had a double knee replacement last year

24 Oct 2021

Walked 5.71km yesterday

23 Oct 2021

Walked 5.52km yesterday and also achieved warrior status! Walking for Alexander has raised over $800 hoping to get a little bit more before the walks over.

21 Oct 2021

Sitting on 63.46km should make the 80km by the end of the month with out a problem.

21 Oct 2021

Walked an extra 1.08 km wearing Alexander

21 Oct 2021

Walked 5.48km in the past two days

20 Oct 2021

Walked 4.53km on the 18th and 19th combined. A lot of drs appointments this week for Alexander so not as much walking. It’ll pick up again on Sunday.

17 Oct 2021

4.13km walked yesterday

17 Oct 2021

2.03km walked this morning still to log yesterday’s

15 Oct 2021

That they provide the breakfast bars at the NICU SCN. We didn’t see them at ours. But it would have been so useful you spend all your time pumping and travelling to and from the hospital there is very little time to eat. The breakfast bars are the best idea. Wish we’d had them!

15 Oct 2021

Walked 4.73km yesterday and today combined. Couldn’t do anymore due to the bad weather. I’m due to share one more thing I love about LLTF see my next post.

13 Oct 2021

Walked 3.36km

13 Oct 2021

Yesterday was a tough day so only walked 2.81km as I had/have an infected toe. Will try and hit the 3km mark this morning

11 Oct 2021

Walked 3.29km with the lunatic in the picture by my side. It’s getting pretty warm for long walks with a wolfhound cross. We might need to start walking in the waterfront so he can swim

10 Oct 2021

Only 3.81km walked today. Alexander attended the first birthday party of one of his NICU friends so had to got my walk in before that. I can’t believe how far all our little NICU and SCN friends have come!

09 Oct 2021

Only walked 2.48km this morning. Didn’t get going till about 7 and it was already a bit hot. I’m trying to remember this time last year and it’s all a blur! I would spend from 6am-4pm everyday in the hospital with Alexander and cried every night when I left. The days blur in to weeks and don’t stand out as individual days.

08 Oct 2021

Walked 5.68km

06 Oct 2021

Walked 1.15km wearing Alexander. We are on our own today so I couldn’t rack up the kms. My walk for prems pack arrived in number 300! Also took a photo of ducklings to possibly do the treasure hunt collage

05 Oct 2021

Just did calculations already sitting at 18.9km walked

05 Oct 2021

3.14km walked this morning. I’m also going to share another thing I love about LLTF. They always have helpful advice, because they have been there as prem parents. They understand the difference between failure to thrive and fussy eating. So the advice I have received has always bern helpful and never made me feel like a failure. They know my boys not “just fussy”. They understand the stress that goes with prems.

04 Oct 2021

1.1km walked wearing Alexander on a beautiful evening.

04 Oct 2021

4.78km walked this morning. Not really feeling myself today. It’s the one year anniversary of when I discharged myself from hospital without my son. I had no idea how long it would be till he joined me at home. It’s not a pleasant day to remember

03 Oct 2021

5.11km walked today. I am determined to sit eh full 80km I pleaded and these are more like the numbers I need to rack up. It’s funny with walk for prems month coinciding with my son birth. Each day I remember what was happening on this day last year. This day last year I realised he won’t be disowned me, yes that was slow. It took me a while to realise just how long he would need in hospital. It was a very lonely day.

02 Oct 2021

Just walked 1km slowly while wearing the little man. His having a tough day and thought the nice warm evening might be calming for him

02 Oct 2021

Not a huge walk this morning as Alexander is not feeling well. 2.48km with Milo by my side. Today is a special day for me as it marks the one year anniversary since I met my son! We were taken in different directions after he was born. The day after he was born I got to go down to NICU and hold him. It was so intimidating to see such a tiny boy with so many tubes. But when I held him was when I realised my love for him.

01 Oct 2021

A tiny little 1.29km walked today towards my 80km to mark the start of the month. Didn’t want to be gone for too long as it’s Alexander’s first birthday.

One more thing I love about LLTF the support the parents of and honour the babies who didn’t make it. Friends of our lost one of their twins while we were in NICU and my husbands grandmother lost her infant son. These babies deserve to be remembered.

10 Jul 2021

I’m not sure how to pledge how far I’m walking so I’ll do it here. I’m pledging to walk 80km in October with my best friend Milo (photo).

Each week I’m going to share one thing I love about LLTF. One of my favourite things is there first question is never about my sons development or medical appointments. It’s always “what is he interested in this week?” What is he enjoying this week?” “What has he been up to?”. I love that all the staff are beyond him beyond delayed and see him as a person.
