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Torrell Fernandes

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of $1,000 goal

Proll Up Proll Up!

On 23 October, a group of Premmies (Team Proll - Patrick, Rosie, Orlando, Luca and Leo) and their parents will be taking part in the Walk for Prems 5km walk around Albert Park. Not exactly a massive challenge, but I'll be lugging a 5.5kg weight on my front to make it more difficult!

We are raising funds for Life's Little Treasures Foundation. When Maisie and I found out at 25 weeks that we would be having a micro prem (with all the risks that this comes with) we were devastated and scared. One of the very first things we were given was an informative and supportive booklet from LLTF, which was read from front to back to prepare for what was about to come. After that, not an important milestone passed without receiving a beautiful package of clothes, toys and information from LLTF - when she was born, Easter, Mother's Day and Rosie's 100 days in hospital. We also joined their Facebook chats for extra support. To say this charity is close to our hearts is an understatement so we would really appreciate support.

To say Life's Little Treasures Foundation helped us through this traumatic time is an understatement. I don't know where I'd it and the little bits of joy they brought our family through Rosie's early journey.

No donation is too small, the work they do is incredible!

My Updates

17 Nov 2022

Thank you to all those that have donated :)
